20 Mar 2013

An Ice Cream to make you smile!

This is the real thing! The thing that is sweet, cold and soft. Melts in our hatred filled mouths leaving a sweet impression on our tongues. 

Tonnes and tonnes of ice creams are sold everyday and the seller makes the buyer much happier as he gets the desired thing and the seller gets money to fulfill his needs.

Fruit and Bread!

The composition of a story, prose or drama is entirely based on its theme. So the ideas of the Author and the Theme must be congruent! 
Likewise, the success of a person is not the hard-work of the person only but it is dependent on other people who have contributed for his success like his mother and may be the tutor ( if in the case of success in examinations). People who are self-centered and selfish, never realize that they are not being succeeded in a particular work because they lack support of family and friends. They only depend on themselves and think that once they will succeed, the full credit will go to them. But it is not true in the case that now start looking for tuition with the excuse that there are many hands before a successful person as if you are studying independentally  then also there are many hands before you, like your mother who cooks food and organises other things, your maid who cleans your house, etc. in different cases. But all need to work in pairs wholly as one team to succeed. The world cannot go without teamwork because everything in the world is like a Fruit and Bread.

Don't Worry Be Happy!

Life is very difficult for some of us, one's who are scared of it or for one's who do not know the real meaning of life. Some Life should not be wasted and made the "Jeelay Har Pal" and kal ki sochenge kal ko. Some say "Life is a Race" if you don't run fast, others you crush you and succed "Saari Umar Hum Mar Mar Ke Jee Liye". But in every case I recommend don't worry, be happy. If it is a great matter of Interest, and nothing can be really done, you are tensed. Still guys! don't worry be happy because "All is Well". Even then, if you heart keeps on shivering and fear lies inside, then ask God to keep you away from sorrow, confess the wrong that you did to someone, whether small or big. Make that person whom you have hurt feel happy and then see that God will make you happy. But don't hurt anyone again and again in order to be secured as if  you do so God will never hear you. Apart from such philosophic ideas and long lectures, there are short lines of sorrow and happiness, I have seen them in my life-
 Don't worry, be Happy."