10 May 2014

How To Write Blogs

This a FAQ to which I am going to answer. Writing blog is an art, one who has good writing and convincing skills will go high up in this profession of writing blogs, but even if you write simple, you can become a great blogger. Writing Blogs is not that difficult as it seems.

What to write on?

If you want a good topic to write, don't search the web. But, what you need to do is to search your qualities and interests. Look in yourself, what are you good at! Be ambitious, don't write, what the rest of world's writing. Be unique, write something that is your own.
Write something, for which people appreciate you. Write on that topic, on which you have expertise, hence you will be able to produce good quality content and that too in plenty. 

How many posts to publish each day?

I generally advice people to post as many posts as they can do in a day, provided that they are of great quality and the content is not copy-pasted because plagiarism is really an evil thing to do. Be efficient. Then, as a beginner post at least 3 to 4 quality posts each day, and as you become a good and efficient blogger, decrease this number to 4 to 5 posts per week. But don't decrease the number of posts further. You will see that your blog is gradually being popular on the Internet. You will see a slight increase in the traffic.
As you will continue posting, you will observe a good traffic to your blog and eventually your blog will also appear on top hits on many search directories such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

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