10 May 2014

25 Fantastic Facts about the Word!

  1. A clapper is a metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes sound by hitting the side.
  2. The Balalaika is a stringed instrument from Russia.
  3. Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry.
  4. A building in which silence is enforced like a library or school is called a "silentium".
  5. Los Angeles in USA is known as "The City of Angels".
  6. The game of Tennis was originally known as sphairistrike.
  7. A "funambulist" is a tight rope walker.
  8. The word encyclopedia comes from two Greek words meaning "a cirlce of learning".
  9. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is a Korean word meaning "capital".
  10. Our thumb is of the length as of our nose.
  11. 95% of the people first write their own name with a new pen.
  12. Our body has as much carbon as required to make 100 pencils.
  13. POLIOSIS is the graying of hair.
  14. The number four is the only number that has the same number of letters in its name as its meaning.
  15. +91 is the dialing code for India.
  16. The raised reflective dots in the middle of the  highways are called Botts Dots.
  17. The infinite sign is called LEMNISCATE.
  18. The act of yawning and stretching is called "PANDICULATION".
  19. The liitle bits of paper left over when holes are punched in data cards is called "chad".
  20. The loop on a belt that hholds the loose-end is called a "keeper".
  21. A Postal Index Number or PIN or Postcode is the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post.
  22. The "You are Here" on a map is called IDEO locator.
  23. The spots on a dice are called "pips".
  24. India's first electric car is called REVA.
  25. Baby Squirrels are called KITTENS. 

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