20 Jan 2013

Make A Robot in Facebook!

How to make a funky robot in FACEBOOK?

It is the most common question among the Facebook young users who chat most of the time!

Follow These Steps:

  1. Hold Shift Key and first press ; key and then \ key.
  2. Release the shift Key.
  3. Press ] key.
  4. You will find A Robot Face over there!!
Try it, it will definitely work. 100% Guaranteed!!!! 

10 Jan 2013

How to view comments in Blog Dashboard?

Now you have a blog and a lot of people are commenting on it may be their comments are for appreciating the blog, may be for asking questions or may be for telling you your mistake. But think of the scenario if you don't reply them, they will never take help from you or your blog.
So have a look here if you don't know how to see comments that people have published on your blog in Blogger Dashboard.You just need to follow the simple steps as such it is very easy.

Follow these Steps:

  1. First go to blogger.com and sign in.
  2. Go to blogger dashboard and click on comments tab. Then the published tab will automatically be selected.
  3. You can delete the comments by selecting a comment and clicking on delete button on the top.
  4. You can even hide the comment from the blog and not from the dashboard by clicking on Remove Comment tab and mark as Spam by clicking on Spam button.

What is the use of sub tab "Spam"?

The sub tab under comments "Spam" has a great use as sometimes we Spam a comment by mistake and then want to mark it as a published comment again. Then just follow these steps.

Follow these Step:

  1. Just click on Spam tab.
  2. Then select the comment you again want to publish.
  3. Then click on "Not Spam" tab.
  4. And then check it in the published tab, you will again find the comment first in Spam now in published comments.

How to Make a Page in Blogger?

You all know how to make posts in Blogger and everyone must have made 1 or more or may be 100. But we never see at the pages it just below the Post tab. Let me show you where is the Page tab.

Now if you want to make a Page in Blogger, than you will have another page other than Home.
If you want to make a page you need to follow some simple steps.

Follow these Steps:

  1. First go to blogger.com.
  2. Then sign in and go to the blogger dashboard.
  3. There, click on Page tab and you will find an option "New Page". Then click on it. A drop down menu will open, choose a Blank Page option.
  4. Name the Page and write about it. And then set, where you want the page to appear. I generally use and also refer you to use to display the page on Top Tabs.

How to set the place where you want to show the pages?

  1. First click on the button after the text " show pages as".
  2. Then choose the placement.
  3. Click on Save Arrangement.
  4. Done!

You can write anything in the Pages whether it is Contact us, Disclaimer, About me or any other stuff. 
So add more pages to your Blog to give it a look that is like a website and will even attract people to give a look at your Blog and giving information other than the posts will give rise to more of traffic to your Blog.

How to put Copyrights on Your Blog?

Copyrights is set of rules that the person visiting your blog has to abide by. If you copy content to your blog or website from a blog whose copyrights are reserved, you will receive an E-mail to remove that content or your blog will be banned. But, yes you can copy a short paragraph but then you have to put the text in quotes.

Follow these Step:

  1. Go to blogger.com and sign.
  2. Go to blogger Dashboard.
  3. Go to layout tab.
  4. Go to attribution and edit it, place the copyrights symbol and write some text.
  5. Save and done!

How to make a Copyright symbol?

  1. Go to start button on your desktop.
  2. Then go to Programs>Accessories.
  3. Then go to System tools.
  4. Go to Character Map and copy the "Copyrights Symbol" and paste it in the attribution tab.

9 Jan 2013

Making A HubPage

Yes, sometimes people want to write blogs but then they drop the idea because they always want to write on different topics but in Blogger or WordPress we have to choose one topic only and they cannot tell many things about one topic like the other bloggers do. So, friend no need to worry, you can write in HubPages, a place where one can write on a different topic every time.

  It is that you can also Google Adsense on HubPages as you get it on Blogger. But it is not as easy as you think. You need to write a lot of content.

Now, there's something else also on hubpages that you have a great community from where you can take help by asking questions and even help them by answering to there queries.

How to make your Hub interesting?

You can write content, upload beautiful images, videos and even links connecting to other interesting Web Pages. 
Now, adding traffic to your Hub doesn't means forcing the people to read your hub or chase them. Just look forward to other's hubs and make at least 600 words hub because once you have quality content, it will be featured as Hub. Then, when people will search about a topic that even you have mentioned in a hub, if they will open your hub and find it useful and interesting then they will refer it to others and look forward to your Hub and this will increase the traffic.

Which Topic to Choose?

 Always choose a topic that you are familiar with and you have the full knowledge about it. This will automatically give a good quality content. If your images and videos are your own, then people will find them more interesting and your video will also get views ( traffic) and same is with Blogs also.

What TLD ?

TLD ! what is it ? It is the most frequently asked question. TLD means Top Level Domain like .com, .org, .net etc
Google Adsense generally asks for TLD on the website or blog to get approval. 

5 Jan 2013

Sunmeet Won 5 Crore in KBC 2013

The First lady to win 5 Crore in KBC. The first one was Sushil Kumar. She has won a lot. She was previously a tuition teacher. A lady from Chandigarh. She really rocked and also KBC (Kaun Banega Crorepati) is also a big platform to earn money with the knowledge you have and it's evergreen Slogan: Gyan hi aapko aapka hak dilaata hai!!

It's a time of celebration for her family !!!!!

Promoting Your Page on Facebook

Once we create a page on Facebook, with all the interesting topics that our friends ad-viced but still only few likes. Then, we think that our page doesn't has all that stuff that the audience wants. But is this the true question? No, it is not true.

Once our page is created, we promote it by sharing it on out Timeline but only few friends like it but that's not the only way. You can promote it on Facebook so that not only your Friends but also other people can see it and once it will be at the right of their page like other ads. So, people are mentally forced to click on 'Like'. Even I click on Like so in the curiosity that what will be the other ad.

How Your ads will be displayed?

Just Click on the link to straight away go to the Facebook page that will help you promote your page.
But it will loosen your pocket a bit but the number of likes will also increase in return.

Google News

Google News is a very convenient way of reading your daily newspaper in just a click and no need to buy newspaper, it's Free! It is a paper saving way also. It is very easy to use. Everyone uses Google so now use Google News by clicking on News above the Google Search Box near Gmail next to YouTube.


HubPages is a site where you can make 20 to 25 Hubs and Then earn with Adsense. It is good to write there. But there, you will get a little less revenue than blogger as there the revenue is divided but you can easily get approved there and no need of learning HTML Coding for putting ads as ads are automatically posted when your Hub is featured as a Hub. There is a large community from whom you can seek help.
If you want to make an account on HubPages just click on the link.
And Get Started!

3 Jan 2013

Learning Twitter

Here by a video I am going to teach about Twitter which includes uploading photo, following someone and composing a Tweet. I hope you learn better by this video.

How to Make a Twitter Account?

Making a Twitter Account? Silly, you don't even know this. Yes, this is the reply you get when you ask someone about topics you don't know but they know!

Click on the link . Twitter log in page will open. As you do not have any account, there will be a short 3 fill in form there. Fill in the details and click on Sign up for twitter. Now you are Done! Start Tweeting.

Dressing Ideas For Girls

I have put some pictures which will give you Girls a better idea of Dressing Up.