10 Jan 2013

How to view comments in Blog Dashboard?

Now you have a blog and a lot of people are commenting on it may be their comments are for appreciating the blog, may be for asking questions or may be for telling you your mistake. But think of the scenario if you don't reply them, they will never take help from you or your blog.
So have a look here if you don't know how to see comments that people have published on your blog in Blogger Dashboard.You just need to follow the simple steps as such it is very easy.

Follow these Steps:

  1. First go to blogger.com and sign in.
  2. Go to blogger dashboard and click on comments tab. Then the published tab will automatically be selected.
  3. You can delete the comments by selecting a comment and clicking on delete button on the top.
  4. You can even hide the comment from the blog and not from the dashboard by clicking on Remove Comment tab and mark as Spam by clicking on Spam button.

What is the use of sub tab "Spam"?

The sub tab under comments "Spam" has a great use as sometimes we Spam a comment by mistake and then want to mark it as a published comment again. Then just follow these steps.

Follow these Step:

  1. Just click on Spam tab.
  2. Then select the comment you again want to publish.
  3. Then click on "Not Spam" tab.
  4. And then check it in the published tab, you will again find the comment first in Spam now in published comments.

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