9 May 2014

Rock The Vote

As MTV says "Rock The Vote, or You are a Goat" and  I think that it is better to vote than to become a goat. So, elections are almost coming to an end, so all those who are to vote, please do vote. Otherwise you have no right to complain about the Government and their policies, you have no right to crib about the corrupt politicians if you even cannot get up your bed ,
 go and vote!

I mean, there may seem not many good choices to vote for, but still out of the worst you can chose the best! And, maybe that best makes a change. You are not given a holiday to enjoy or go for an outing, but to go and vote. If you start feeling that sense of responsibility, I am sure you are contributing a part in the development of the nation, even if the party who have voted for doesn't come in power. But still, you'll have that feeling of oneness and participation.
So, do go and vote and even encourage your friends and relatives to go and vote. Make a change in the nation by your little contribution.

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