22 Dec 2013


Well! thinking about an Aglet can be one of the silliest things that one can ever do. But really, thinking and searching about these weird and silly little things can be AWESOME! I don't know whether you that what's an aglet or just googled it and got the answer to your wildest question. But, being a really weird sort of thinker I wanted to tell people about my recent experiments with Internet in this "Google world". It was just that I wanted to prove the craziness and addiction to Facebook wrong, if compared to Google but yes Facebook proved me wrong but then I proved Facebook wrong as per as I am concerned because I really like many other "not reliable and non-interesting"  things like trigonometry and Einstein's biography on Internet, which many people dislike to search about. But there are many literature lovers in the world who may be considering them to "Solitary like" and hence loving wikipedia. Even I am a person like that but obviously not a die-heart fan of it. But let me tell you all, making these silly things part of the curriculum can actually be Exotic.

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