28 Dec 2013

How to Make a Flower with Candle?

Here's a way out to make a Flower out of a Candle. Just follow the quick steps. 

Things you will need:

1 Candle 
1 Lighted Candle
1 knife
1 spoon (normal sized)


  • Take the candle and cut it into small pieces say 22. Then turn by turn keep those pieces on the spoon and the spoon above the lighted candle to melt it, so that the wax takes the shape of the spoon. Remove the extra wax and let it take the shape of the spoon, which is much like a petal. Do this to all the 22 pieces of candle.
  • Arrange the petals and make sure they have smooth cavities and edges, or else, make them smooth by bringing it in contact with a little heat.
  • Start joining them from the inner side by heating them gently so that they stick to each other and from inside to out, make a big round flower. At the end take a thin green-taped stick which looks more or less like a stem and attach it to the flower, again by melting the wax. 

Your Flower is Ready to Bloom!

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