30 Jan 2014

Controversial "Jai Ho"

'Jai Ho' the first '14 movie of Salman Khan has not got a good approach by the audiences. Critics rated this film four stars but still its earnings are going down day by day. Now, this is because of the General Elections 2104.

The basic problem of Jai Ho not getting a good approach is "a section of clerics" who have asked Muslims to boycott his movie till he apologizes for saying that Narendra Modi need not express regret for the 2002 Gujarat riots. Have these people gone crazy? I mean this is the best works of Salman Khan. I recently watched the movie, and this movie may not be for entertainment purposes, but yes it can change the attitude of some insensitive and corrupt people towards the nation and its citizens. And, boycotting a film, just because an actor stated his opinions publicly about a political leader is correct? I don't think so! People are yet to understand that India is a secular country and has people of all religions residing, and after all Salman Khan is a muslim too! Well, I am 100% sure that these people will surely watch this movie on the television but if they don't they will regret! This movie is made from the actor's heart and soul and if the people of India watch it, his efforts will not go in vain. But, the problem is that that "good" people have already watched the movie and its time for the rest of them to watch it and at least be inspired to change the country.
"A racist or a non-Salman fan will never watch this movie"

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