28 Jan 2014

General Elections 2014 - Who to Vote

These days, the hottest topic in India is the General Elections 2014. I am neither pro Congress, AAP or BJP nor anti but I am really there to give some specific details about the party which are like, there on the news every single day.

 Well, people may be pro Congress because of the Gandhi family and pro AAP because of Mr. Arvind Kenjriwal's promises which seem rosy to the common people and also there is a great probability of AAP winning and implement their promises and pro BJP because of Mr. Modi!
The news channels all over India are almost flooded with Politics nowadays. It seems that AAP is not all worried about its win or lose. So, the party members are relaxed and just showing dreams, but I fear if they show this behavior even after winning the elections. But obviously, there are pros and cons of everything in this world, but this is about a whole developing country, so we can't take a chance!
Talking about BJP, well I am really impressed by this party because of its common man friendly proposals and agendas. Also, because they have decided to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister, if they won! Probably, people are impressed by Narendra Modi more, rather than BJP members so BJP is getting more of seats. Moreover, the country, has seen Mr. Modi's biased favor towards Gujarati's in the Uttarkhand calamity which makes us believe that they will continue this biased behavior towards Indians if he becomes the PM, which will really be beneficial for our country, I suppose!
Currently, I am not finding any cons part BJP.
Now, for Congress, I don't think will preferably fill enough seats so, that it could win, but ofcourse there is something known as a total shake, which is always seen in Politics, so there is also a 42% chance of their winning. Actually, my opinion this way, neither there is anything against our current PM nor anything for him. He not an outspoken person as such, but is answerable for crores of people so he shouldn't depend on other people, even if they are Congress members for the proposals or bills or anything. He should speak for himself! But now as in the debates, I see, on the News Channels is almost pro BJP.
These people have made a trend of sms for our opinions, which quite good and impressing for the youth of 2014, including me. But I want them to take our opinions the same way while passing a law in the parliament, but at that point they just debate and get a result out of those debates and pass a law. It is obviously very difficult to take account for so many views and consult almost 130 crores of people and there are always fake people doing frauds but at least they will get a rough estimate of people's views by a yes and no syntax voting system.
At this moment we can trust BJP and also AAP if it gives a surety of  making the dreams come true that they have shown and provided they don't form a coalition government because that's the worst thing they could think of!

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